Note: To list only stable packages, use -channel=0 or remove the -channel For example, specify the canary channel to list Use the channel option to include a package from a channel up to and Channels: 0 (stable), 1 (beta), 2 (dev), or 3 (canary) To list installed and available packages, use the following syntax: For more details, see the following sections. You can use the sdkmanager to list installed and available packages, install Note: For local usage, you can use the latest packages.įor scripts, choose a specific version instead to ensure stability. Substitute version with the version you want to install, The following command: android_sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager -install "cmdline-tools version" (Optional) To install a previous version of the command-line tools, run NOTICE.txt file, and source.properties file, into the Move the original cmdline-tools directory contents, including.In the unzipped cmdline-tools directory, create a.Move the unzipped cmdline-tools directory into a new directory.Package from the Android Studio downloads page and Download the latest "command line tools only".To use the SDK Manager to install a version of the command-line tools, Studio, then you don't need to use this tool, and you can instead manage your Update, and uninstall packages for the Android SDK.

The sdkmanager is a command-line tool that lets you view, install,